17 بهمن 140215 interesting facts about graniteGranite stone Between the beauty, durability and multitude of other positive qualities granite has, it is not hard […]
17 بهمن 1402Introducing the types of Traonyx stones and its benefitsTraonyx The traonyx stone is mix of travertine and onyx and consists of minerals such as aragonite clastic […]
16 بهمن 1402Introducing different types of travertine stone and their advantagesTravertine Travertine is an especially attractive form of limestone that forms around mineral spring deposits. Its fibrous, marble-like […]
4 دی 1402Familiarity with marble and its typesMarble is a metamorphic rock that forms when limestone is subjected to the heat and pressure of metamorphism. […]
27 آذر 1402What stones can be used for a fireplace?Fireplace stone Fuel-burning appliances such as fireplaces and wood stoves must have a hearth made of noncombustible materials […]
27 آذر 1402Tips to consider before buying a stoneImportant points before buying stones Nothing is considered stronger than rocks. Natural stones are natural material derived from […]
27 آذر 1402Methods of maintaining and caring for marbleMarble stone Many homeowners love the look of marble, whether it is marble tiles on the floor, kitchen […]
6 آذر 1402What are the uses of crystal stones in construction?Crystal stone, or Chinese stone(of course in Iranian stones), are calcareous or dolomitic rocks that have been recrystallized […]
6 آذر 1402What is the best kitchen counter stone and what are its characteristics?kitchen countertops The kitchen is the heart of every home. Cabinets and counters in kitchens are always exposed […]
22 آبان 1402Benefits of using stone in building facadesBenefits of using stone in building facades Building facades form a large part of our first impression and […]
9 آبان 1402The do’s and don’ts of cleaning natural stone at homeMaintaining natural stone Natural stone is especially popular among other building materials. Stone is beautiful, yet delicate.There’s no […]
9 آبان 1402What stones can be used for home interior design?Stone is abundantly available in nature and is often used in green building projects as it is environmentally […]
17 مهر 1402Buying building floor stone and the points to pay attention toThe role of stone as an important material in building Buying building floor stone, like buying other stones […]
11 مهر 1402What are the best parking floor stones and what are their characteristics?parking floor stone Tiles play a decisive role in determining the overall aesthetics and functionality of your parking […]
5 مهر 1402Features of Dehbid stoneWhat is Dehbid stone? Dehbid stone is in the category of marble stones and has many fans for […]
5 مهر 1402Features of Azna stoneWhat is Azna stone? Azna stone is a Chinese stone that is in the category of crystal stones, […]
5 مهر 1402Getting to know the types of building stonesHow many categories are stones divided into? Building stones are one of the most basic and basic building […]
31 مرداد 1402The use and benefits of white floor stoneStone is one of the elements that is used as building flooring due to its high status, beauty, […]
28 مرداد 1402What is Anza stone and what is its use in construction?What is Anza stone Azna stone is in the category of Chinese stones, this stone is called as […]
24 تیر 1402All kinds of decorative building stonesIn terms of petrology, the decorative stones of the building are among igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary rocks. Examples […]