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6 بهمن 1399
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18 مهر 1400
The art of mosaic work and mosaic stone
Mosaic in the word means patch, piece and vein. Any work of streaking can be called mosaic. A mosaic is a work of art in which small pieces of wood, metal, tiles, stone, etc. are placed beautifully and in different shapes next to each other. Mosaic is an art that has its roots in the history of this borderland and has been able to progress in modern architecture and interior design in harmony with contemporary art. Mosaic can be used decoratively or practically in any field. Mosaic work is very important in interior decoration.
The apartment lobby is one of the most widely used places for mosaic art in residential buildings, which creates a very beautiful visual effect. Mosaic is often created on wood. It is used as a painting on the wall. But this original and lasting art has opened the way to other fields and today we are witnessing stone mosaics. Mosaic stone is one of the most unique and luxurious stone products. Stone mosaic, if used on the floor of the building hall, will bring an attractive and dazzling view.
In the stone industry, mosaics are the placing of small pieces of stone, metal, and glass together according to a previous design. In other words, stone mosaic means cutting, putting together and gluing the following colorful stones with cutting and abrasion tools.
Historical history of mosaic stone
Stone mosaic art is related to architecture. In the surviving antiquities such as the Palace of the Sun, which belongs to the rare time of Shah Afshar, the art of stone mosaics and carvings of flower motifs on stone have been observed. Also, the art of stone mosaic can be seen in the historical building of the House of God, which is part of the Atiq Mosque in Shiraz. This monument belongs to the eighth century AH. However, the time of the emergence of this beautiful and unique art is historically unknown.
Application of mosaic stone
Decorator designers use stone mosaics to beautify various parts of the building, such as the lobby floor, reception hall and waiting room, interior and exterior walls. Also, mosaic stone can be applied on flat and large surfaces such as table tops.
Types of mosaic stones
Mosaic stone can be applied and produced in the following stones:
- Marble
- Travertine
- Granite
Methods of producing mosaic stone
In stone mosaics, each component is a part of the whole. The following methods are used to achieve the goal:
- Handmade or traditional mosaic stone
- Waterjet mosaic stone
- CNC mosaic stone
Handmade or traditional mosaic stone: First, a cheap stone such as travertine is selected. In the past, the design was transmitted using soot on the rock. But today they use special drawing papers and draw the design in real dimensions. In the next step, to create a space to place colored pieces next to each other, the lines of the maps are covered with a bronze strip with a height of 10 cm. In the final step, the patterns are cut from bronze strips and glued to the stone with a thickness of 8 mm. Mosaic stone treated with this method has good strength.
Waterjet mosaic stone: In this method, the desired design is designed and colored with the help of a computer. Then, the different parts of each color are separated from the main drawing and its execution drawing is designed in the language of the device. In the next step, the desired parts are cut by the waterjet machine with high pressure water and ready to be assembled. In the final stage, these pieces are put together according to the plan and fixed with glue. A waterjet is a device that is capable of cutting a variety of materials. Therefore, the production of mosaics with this device is not limited to the use of various stones or ceramics. While the accuracy of the waterjet method is very high.
CNC mosaic stone: This method, like waterjet, is produced with the help of computer technology. In the CNC method, first the map is designed in the computer and the CNC machine digs the foundation stone to the desired depth according to the map. This stage is called dovetail. Then, the pieces of colored stones are cut according to the original design by different methods, such as waterjet, and glued with the same color glue of the stones in a suitable place marked with a ditch. Finally, the stones are sanded and ready to use. Very delicate and beautiful designs can be applied in CNC and waterjet methods.