What are the advantages and disadvantages of leather stone?

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معایب و مزایای سنگ چرمی|advantages and disadvantages of leather stone

leather stone

Naturally, stones are not very suitable for construction uses because they have an uncut and rough appearance. To use stones in buildings, you have to pay for them. There are different payments for gemstones that can vary depending on their application and location. Polishing of stones is important in several ways, including beauty, durability, strength, durability and longevity of the stone. One of the methods of polishing stone is leather, which has the disadvantages and advantages of leather, which we will discuss below.

What is leather stone?

The leather process is defined in such a way that the stones are sanded after polishing with special devices and its surface becomes leathery, this action is mostly done on marble and travertine stones.

What are the benefits of leather stone?

Among the advantages of leather stone, the following can be mentioned:

  • Leather stone has a special beauty and softness
  • This stone gives a stylish and luxurious look to the interior

Leathering the stone makes fingerprints and water stains less visible than polishing.

Leather stone inspires more sensation.

Leather stone is one of the most widely used building stones.

Dark stones are a good choice for leather.

  • The design of the stone is more obvious with leather, but its amount varies in different stones.
  • Leathering makes precious stones beautiful and valuable
  • This makes the texture of the stone larger and gives the stone depth
  • Leather stone can also be used in cabinets or exterior walls
  • Leather stones are easier to care for and maintain.
  • Leathering the stone makes the texture of the stone more prominent and preserves its color.
  • Leather stone is one of the export stones that is exported to other countries
  • This type of stone has a very high resistance so that it is resistant to weather conditions such as rain and moisture and therefore it is used in the exterior of the building.
  • Leather stones are used in the design and execution of Roman and classical facades due to their appearance characteristics that are acquired during the polishing process.
  • Unlike polished stone, leather stone is resistant to slipping.
  • The beauty of leather stone is much more visible up close.

What are the disadvantages of leather stone?

Despite its many advantages, leather stone also has the following disadvantages:

  • This type of stone does not have much transparency and shine.
  • Not all types of stone can be leather and most travertine and marble stones are leather.
  • Natural stones are more uniform than leather stones and become smoother and more delicate.
  • In the process of leathery, the joints and pores of the stone are not covered with resin.
  • The cost of producing leather stone is more than similar grinding stones.
  • After installing the leather stones, they should be covered with gloss to complete the installation process.
  • The leathering process should be done on stones whose surface is not uniform and homogeneous, because otherwise it will not be possible to create a high post during processing.
  • Leather polishing is mostly done on soft textured stones.
  • The beauty of leather stone is not known from afar.
  • Leather stone due to its uneven appearance may receive rainwater and get stuck.

Leather stone absorbs more contaminants and is a little harder to clean.


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